Just walking, how will I reach my target? These two are happy with their tea break and I have to complete the report by EOD and present it to the Directors tomorrow morning
The 2 friends talk to each other, saying how lucky he is. He is our boss, reports to the Director
Everyone thinks the other one is happier and goes on affirming, that they are not happy, or they cannot reach this position.
So here the Vibration of your Thoughts is coming out without your intention, and you will be either not happy with your work schedule or not happy with the salary, and then you wonder, I am working so hard, smart, but still in the same place, and the person who does his work and thinks of succeeding has more chances of excelling in their career.
Get your thoughts cleared which will get you on the path to happiness
Why do I feel I have not achieved success even when I have set my goals?
Have you set your Goals? Are you sure you have worked on why you have those goals?
Are the targets which are defined, making you happy in achieving them, or are just put by force?
Is it by seeing others you get more enticed to add one more line to your business?
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