Harnessing your personal energy with crystals

As we humans come in contact with many people that suggest we come in contact with numerous energy vibrations that get emitted by the people, news, objects with whom we come into contact with or within their vibrations. Information shared with us even when a friendly meeting is going on, or a business meeting.

How we feel and tell our colleague, you don’t seem fresh today, or you don’t seem happy today, or what happened with you, your energy has sulked to a very low level, you are not the one whom I know. So after that what happens, the person who asked, and after listening to his/her why, the person who heard, many a time he/she also gets into the negative vibrations, which comes out on someone else in some other form, either in their family back home or on some call to some friend or some business call.

So the words we hear or the videos or the images we see or the information read in paper or television, it’s not easy for us to avoid the repercussions.
Here is where Crystals and Energy Vibrations help you, support you, support your Chakras, supports your Aura, make you be on track on your path which is decided by you with a session from me, and then may any vibrations try to avoid you, try to distract you, you will be on track and you will feel the happiness.

You will start neglecting the negatives like its ok, I am happy, I am alive, I have my family. Your mind needs to be happy and you will start seeing happiness in whatever happens. As it is said “Whatever Happens, Happens for the Best “Start coming on the Track which will lead you to happiness, it is also said:” It is never too late, everything happens on time.” So your time is now, accept it, or wait for your time to come. The decision is yours.

Always Love Yourself

Thank You

Your Friend, Your Guide, Your Brother








How is our daily routine work you come in contact with others vibrations and how that disturbs you


Always Love Yourself
Thank You
Your Friend, Your Guide, Your Brother
Pankaj P Soni


Pankaj P Soni

I help Individuals / Groups / Entrepreneurs to Clear their Goals | Give Crystals | Reiki | and Theta Healing | and Motivate them to Achieve Success | Let's Connect

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Amidu Edson

    This is new knowledge to me, thank you for sharing this

  2. Fahad Ali Zia

    quite useful

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